Thursday, November 5, 2009

Decisions decisions decisions....

The assignment: do something you have never done before, then blog about the experience. And you must be thinking to yourself 'surely that is simple enough, I mean how tought can it be?'. Dont be fooled, it is tougher than you think! First off, you have to think about what to do. Ever hear of having too many choices? That is rather what I felt like when trying to pick my action. Overwhelmed! Second, think why you want to do this. Erm, is 'because I have to' a valid enough reason? Third, think of how you will do it and who you can ask for help. Right, got you. Fourth, think about where you are going to do it. Lastly, think about when.
Well my mind was feeling overly full, so I decided to chill out on drostdy lawns and mull over all this while lying in the sun, surrounded by nature. I had seen posters up around campus encouraging people to sign up for writing a novel in a single month. Now why would I want to do this you ask? Well, aside from having high and lofty writing ambitions, I have always wanted to write a novel, but have never tackled it in a constructive way. At least by doing this I would be getting to achieve a personal goal, as well as being given a set timetable to work with and thereby geet rid of a lack of organisation -a terrible habit of mine. Okay then, so far so good. Now for the how.. I would have to sign up on the international website that generated the idea. November is the national writing month, 30 days and nights of literary abandon -just my cup of tea! Plus they give you a lot of support via email and their forums. You get to interact with professional and amatur writers from all over the globe, making it a cultural experience. Therefore, should I require help, I could it from the website, or ask other friends of mine that are writers. Now for the where. I guess that would be wherever I want really. I can write on my laptop in my room, in the jac labs, or even outside or in the bath with a pen and pad of paper -the choices of exhecution were as varied as my brain could create. Lastly...the when. Well, the first part was easy, I had made the decision to do it, and thats half the battle won. Now I just had to stick to it.
Looks like I am going to be a busy girl the next few weeks. Not only do I have to study for and write exams, I now have to fit in 1500 word per day for my novel. Going to be interesting I think, so wish me luck!

TWEET: Decision making IS NOT as easy as you might think

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are they 'writer than you'?

‘Writer than you’ is an intriguing, thought provoking and amusing blog than not only informs readers but allows them to create their own opinions as well as be entertained at the same time. The first impression of the blog draws viewers in due to the attractive, yet mysterious background. The background of luminous blue mushrooms urges viewers to read further in order to decipher the meaning behind the theme of the mushrooms. The connection between the mushrooms acting as magic mushrooms draws a parallel to how media changes our views on the world and can in many ways mislead our perceptions. The blog posts are diverse and humorous and cover many different controversial issues that enable different opinions and interesting topics to be discussed. The range of different genre’s include controversial issues such as homosexuality, humour and the function of jokes in social day to day situations, political news events such as Obama’s speech to the Congress, and many more that cater for a broad audience of readers. This blog is well written, precise, easy and interesting to follow and is a form of media that not only informs readers in an exciting and down to earth way, but is also a successful form of entertainment that allows for easy and relaxing reading. It is clear to see when the blog posts are subjective and objective and therefore prevent any cause for controversy among readers. Overall it is s a well written, well done blog.
Tweet: ‘Writer than you’ is a blog worth reading and something that enables thought and amusement all in one package.