Friday, September 25, 2009

Shelley's Mission Statement


Shelley West


Farzan Rasool

Tweet: I don’t where this blog is going- but it guarantees you one epic journey. My passions are politics and history. The writing will focus on international issues worthy of analysis, critical opinion or political dissection.

I’m told I’m unpredictable, that one can never know what I’m going to do or say. Personally, I find it easy to agree with that statement, as I too do not know what next is going to pop out of my unfiltered mouth or where next my able legs will take me. More importantly is the questions: what will my fingers produce on this clicking plastic of alphabet choices? I can’t tell you – but what I can do is give you the promise of honesty, critical thinking and a dark sense of humour. I share this promise with my fellow bloggers within the “Journ Assassins”.

Passion: Pronunciation: \pa-shən\ Function: noun 6. a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. My passions include politics, history and the prevalence of it repeating itself and anything else that catches my eye.

Politics is an integral and vital part of everyone’s lives. Though they may not know it – it surrounds them, engulfs them and entangles them. This blog will aim to make people more aware of the immediate effect of relative strangers and how their beliefs and actions can change our course of life. This blog will not concentrate on conspiracy theories or on slandering governments. This blog is searching for truth through intelligent investigation.

In terms of history, one can see some definite repetition coming through the centuries. Some mistakes are remade, the same forms of dictators are let back into power and the same atrocities are allowed to happen. The focus will look to parallel events in history with events in modern day society. It will aim mostly at African issues as that is where my passion lies however; often the most paralleled incidents are in Europe and “the West”.

In terms of the other ingredients in my recipe for a taste-tantalising blog it will be ingredients without careful measurement or thought. If a celebrity scandal catches my eye, the blog will have it. If an odd-spot story happens in Bangladesh, this blog will feature it. And if a fashion catastrophe occurs, this blog will criticise it.

Through what I have already learnt as a journalism student, and for what I know I will learn – I am passionate about journalism and how it can influence the world. To know that I can one day possess the tools to be a historic- worthy journalist makes every lecture, every tutorial worth it. This blog cannot promise you a smooth ride. Nor will I dull you with monotony. But if you’ve read this far you obviously share the same zest for life, quest for truth and thirst for what is hidden from us. I don’t where this blog is going- but it guarantees you one epic journey.

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