Friday, October 30, 2009

Escaping to nature

I was feeling trapped, claustrophobic, exhausted and frustrated and all I wanted to do was run and get away to be alone. So I walked frantically, with tears streaming down my face and struggling to catch my breath to the furthest most remote place I could find in the Botanical Gardens. I collapsed on a patch of grass when my legs could no longer move and lay there. I lay in the shade of an exquisite tree with pink blossoming flowers that seemed to create this umbrella of beauty above me. I closed my eyes and began to slowly escape from reality with the distant noise of the weavers fluttering their wings frantically collecting essentials for their nests. The sound was soothing and allowed for my body to drift into a state of paralysed serenity. I was finally at peace. The stresses and pressures I had felt were slowly drifting over my body and escaping my soul, the cool breeze of the spring morning tickled my body into a deep, relaxing sleep that engulfed my every thought and feeling. I was content with a feeling of freedom that I had been searching for until that very moment.
Before I escaped to the Botanical Gardens I knew that if I found a place to be alone, it would cure my insecurities and exploding emotions. I knew that it was the perfect place to disappear to in order to regain my strength and distinguish my thoughts and feelings. This is the exact effect the Botanical Gardens had on me and I realised that although Grahamstown is an amazing place, there are times people need to get away and Botanical Gardens is the best place to do so in order to allow nature to surround and cleanse your soul.
Tweet: Running to escape, losing control and needing internal peace, an hour in the Botanical Gardens cleanses and relaxes the soul.

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